|| CSC PORTAL | CSC Status, CSC LOGIN | CSC REGISTRATION | CSC Registration Status ||
अगर आपने सीएससी आईडी लेने के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन किया है या फिर ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने जा रहे हैं तो हम आपको यहां पर सीएससी आईडी लेने की पूरी प्रक्रिया बताने जा रहे हैं जिससे आप आसानी से कॉमन सर्विस सेंटर खोल सके|
Dear friends, CSC PORTAL is providing all types of government and semi-government services in all rural and urban areas of India. Such as making Aadhaar card, making a ration card, making a PAN card, making a death certificate, making a birth certificate, making an income certificate, making a caste certificate, and along with this you can submit electricity bill from here.
You can collect water bill. Many more types of government services can be availed through CSC PORTAL. You get to see more than 300 services here. Let us understand the details below (CSC PORTAL, CSC Status, CSC LOGIN CSC REGISTRATION?).
Scheme Name | CSC PORTAL |
Authorized by | CSC e-Governance Services India Limited |
Ministry | Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology |
Beneficiary | All citizens of India |
CSC Portal Login Link | Click Here |
benefits of CSC Digital Seva Portal
Dear friends, this question must be coming in your mind that what is this CSC Jan Seva Kendra. So let us tell you that this Jan Seva Kendra provides b2b and b2c service to all the people coming in rural and urban areas. As you all know. That the rural areas are quite backward, they have to visit government offices in cities to take advantage of any government or semi-government service.
For their convenience, CSC Jan Seva Kendra has been constructed. Which deliver government services directly to rural areas. These services include electricity bill payment, tap bill payment, mobile recharge, DTH recharge, PAN card preparation, income, caste, residence related work, withdrawal of money from banks, NREGA job card work, PM Mudra Yojana Ayushman Bharat Yojana, etc. The benefits of government and non-government schemes are passed on to the people through these CSC Jan Seva Kendra.
For this, these CSC Jan Seva Kendra have been built.
All CSC Service Profits
Once a CSC center opens, it becomes easier for the people living in nearby towns to get the benefit of all these services.
- Insurance-related services
- Get a passport
- Taking premium for LIC SBI ICI etc.
- Income caste residence birth certificate, making death certificate
- Pension services
- Pan card services
- Ration Card Services
- Identity card services
- Basic services
- banking services
- Train ticket booking
- mobile recharge
- DTH recharge
- Agriculture services etc.
- More than 300 such services are offered under CSC Jan Seva Kendra
How To CSC Registration eligibility?
No special qualification has been sought to open CSC Digital Service Center but you should have all the following equipment and qualifications only then you will be eligible for it and you will be able to open a new CSC Jan Seva Kendra.
- You must be a citizen of India to become a CSC VLE!
- All CSC VLEs must be over 18 years of age to become!
- To become a CSC VLE, one must have AAdhar CArd or PAN CARD bank passbook or cancellation check!
- To open a public service center CSC there must be a shop for rent or own!
- If you want to become a CSC VLE, you must have a computer, a printer and Internet access.
CSC APPLY Document eligibility?
If you also want to open a new CSC Common Service Center, then you will need the following documents.
First of all, the mobile number and email ID should be registered on your Aadhaar card
- Aadhar card
- PAN card
- bank passbook,
- two passport size photos,
- cancel check
- Email id
- mobile number.
New CSC Center opening Fees?
Services of CSC are offered absolutely free, no one rupee is charged from anyone for taking CSP. You can easily open CSC Jan Seva Kendra in your village or city by applying online at home for free. The portal provided by the Government of India is
Csc Registration Short information?
- ✅To open CSC Jan Seva Kendra, first, click on the link given here and go to the official website of CSC registration
- ✅After going to the website, you will see an application written in the menu bar in front of you, you have to click on the application button.
- ✅After clicking on the application button, the registration page will open in front of you, where your mobile number will be first asked from you, then you fill your mobile number and submit it by entering captcha code.
- ✅After submitting, an OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number again, which you will have to put forward OTP.
- ✅After putting in the OTP, you can commit again.
- ✅Now you have to enter your email id.
- ✅After entering the email ID, an OTP will be sent to your email ID again and on the registration page you will be asked for the OTP received on the email. After seeing the OTP from your email, you have to put the OTP on the registration page and submit it.
- ✅After submitting the OTP, the registration page will open in front of you, in which information will be asked from your name, your virtual Aadhaar ID, your birth date, your gender, your state district, etc.
- ✅ You have to fill the correct information and submit the application.
After this, you will reach the KYC page where you will have to verify yourself. - ✅For this, an OTP will be sent to the mobile number associated with your Aadhaar, you have to verify the process in OTP.
- ✅And to perform your KYC, after completing the KYC, the next registration page will open in front of you.
- ✅In which you will be asked for information about your center and will be asked to upload your cancellation check.
- ✅So you fill your basic information there and upload the document.
- ✅And submit the final application.
- ✅After submitting the final application, you will get a registration number there.
- ✅ Which you can maintain, in the future you can know the status of your application.
All this process has been explained to you through the video below, so if you do not understand anything, then do watch the video below.
सीएससी रजिस्ट्रेशन प्रक्रिया हिंदी में समझे
जन सेवा केंद्र CSC पर Registration करने के लिए आपको बस कुछ सरल Step का पालन करना होगा जो नीचे दिए गए हैं:
- सबसे पहले, आपको CSC की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाने की आवश्यकता है जो नीचे दी गई है
- Home Page पर Apply फॉर new Registration बटन पर Click करें
- अब Mobile Number और एक वैध Email ID दर्ज करें, इसके बाद कैप्चा बटन को दर्ज करने के बाद आपका मूल विवरण जैसे नाम, जन्म तिथि, और लिंग भरें।
- प्रमाणीकरण के बाद, आपको उन विवरणों को भरना होगा जो आवश्यक हैं और पहले इसमें उल्लिखित सभी शर्तों को पढ़ें।
- उसके बाद अपने विवरण की समीक्षा करें और Register करने के लिए सबमिट पर Click करें
- सबमिट करने पर एक Registration ID जेनरेट होगी
- उसके बाद, आपको एक receipt मेल में मिलेगी जिसे आपने अपना आवेदन सफलतापूर्वक पूरा कर लिया है
- अब आपके द्वारा सबमिट किए गए फॉर्म की एक प्रति डाउनलोड करें और इसे रद्द किए गए चेक / पासबुक, PAN CARD और अपने नजदीकी CSC कार्यालय के जिला प्रबंधक को आवेदक की छवि जैसे विधिवत स्व-सत्यापित दस्तावेजों की एक प्रति के साथ जमा करें।
- CSC के बारे में अधिक जानकारी के लिए, आप पास के CSC जिला प्रबंधक से भी संपर्क कर सकते हैं, आप प्रबंधकों की सूची देख सकते हैं।
CSC Registration Status Check ( csc status )
दोस्तों अगर आपने भी CSC रजिस्ट्रेशन करने के लिए अप्लाई किया है तो आप इसके लिए ऑनलाइन अपना csc status कैसे देखेंगे यह जानने के लिए यहां पर दी गई है प्रोसेस जाने
- Online csc status चेक करने के लिए सबसे पहले यहां पर दी गई लिंक पर ( https://register.csc.gov.in/register/status ) क्लिक करें और csc status की ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट पर जाएं
- CSC Status Chek करने की वेबसाइट खुलने के बाद आपको यहां पर सबसे पहले अपना एप्लीकेशन रिफरेंस नंबर डालना है यह रेफरेंस नंबर आपको रजिस्ट्रेशन करते टाइम मिला होगा और साथ में यह आपकी ईमेल ID पर भी भेजा जाता है वहां से जाकर आप इसे देख सकते हैं उसके बाद नीचे आपको यहां पर कैप्चा CODE भरना है और सबमिट के बटन पर क्लिक करना है
- इसके बाद आपके csc status आपको दिखा दिया जाएगा और अगर आपकी CSC ID यीशु कर दी गई होगी तो आपको आपकी CSC ID भी दिखाई देगी |
RDD Code CSC registration process ?
Dear friends, as you all know that CSC has stopped doing CSC registration for common people a few days back.
From which you cannot get CSC ID, but CSC has provided some more options to do CSC registration.
One of the options through which you can apply for CSC ID is that you can apply for CSC ID through RDD code, so let us tell you where you can get RDD CODE and for whom RDD CODE can be found
Dear friends, let us tell you that no common person can get RDD CODE.
Because it is given to an organization or a quasi-governmental organization or any governmental organization that can get such as the Rural Development Department is an example of this.
If you know RDD CODE in short, then if you are a government institution or work under it.
So you can get this code and you can apply to take CSP but let us tell you that no personal or ordinary person can apply for this nor can get RDD CODE
CSC Operator ID Registration
To create a new CSC Operator ID, you must first look for someone who already has a CSC ID and password.
Now CSC VLE will do the work of creating the CSC Operator ID, whose information is given below.
- First of all, go to the official website of CSC login.
- After successfully opening the website, login with your CSC ID and password.
- After successful CSC login, go to CSC Account Management Service|
- Now read all the instructions given here carefully.
- You can create 4 operators at a time here.
- And here you can activate three operators simultaneously.
- Now you will see the button of add operator here, you have to click on it
- Now you have to fill all the information of the operator here like operator’s name, mobile number, Aadhaar number, operator’s email id etc.
- After filling all this information, submit this application form.
- Now your operator id is ready and its user id password has been sent to the operator’s email id.
CSC Re-registration 2024
CSC Re Registration Process is for all CSC Center Operators whose ID has become very old, if you had a VLE ID earlier, then you have to change it to a new CSC ID, after that your ID will be kept smoothly to register the ID. You can complete the process of re-registration for this process has been stopped recently
important links CSC portal
If you want to avail any services of CSC Portal or CSC Center. So we are going to give you the important link of all those services here so that you can avail all the services of CSC directly from here.
CSC Status |
CSC Certificate Download
To download the CSC certificate, follow the below mentioned method.
- To download the CSC Certificate, first click on the link below.
- After clicking on the link, you will reach the official website to download the certificate.
- After successfully opening the website you have to click on MY Account
- After clicking on My Account, another new page will open in front of you, in which you will be asked for your CSC ID, you have to enter the CSC ID and fill the captcha code and submit the tension condition by signing it.
- After submitting, another page will open in front of you, in which you will have to do your OTP verification, this OTP will be sent to your registered email id.
- You can check OTP from email id and enter it here and verify
After this, you will have to verify yourself by fingerprint, if you do not have a fingerprint device, then you will not be able to download the CSC Certificate from here. - After successfully conducting biometric verification with the finger print device, your dashboard will open in front of you in which you have to select the certificate option.
And download your certificate
SHG code for CSC registration
Government to Citizen :-
Election Commission Services
- e-District
- Soil Health Card
- Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana
- Swacch Bharat Abhiyan
- PAN Card
- Passport
Business to Citizen :-
- Mobile Recharge
- Mobile Bill payments
- DTH Recharge
Financial Inclusion :-
- Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY)
- Pension Service
- Insurance Service
- Banking
- CSCs as GST Suvidha Provider
- Skill Development
- VLE Bazaar catalogue includes
Education :-
- Cyber Gram Yojana
- NABARD Financial Literacy Programme
- CSC BCC Course
- Learn English
- Tally Certified Programme
- etc.
Agriculture :-
Health Services :-
- Tele-health Consultations
- Pradhan Mantri Jan Aushadhi Scheme
- Health Homeo
- JIVA Ayurveda Scheme
- etc.
Digitize India Platform :-
CSC Manual :-
eSign :-
CSC Helpline Number
Another big information is coming out for the CSC Common Service Center operators. If you are also running a CSC center or if you want to open a CSC public service center then this information can be very important for you.
Because to open CSC center or to work in CSC, you need some help sometimes and you get this help from CSC helpdesk but recently CSC center has changed its helpline number.
(CSC Helpline Number), you will not be able to get any information from the old number of CSC, if you do not find this number, then what is the new number and when is it going to be implemented, you are told below.
How CSC works?
CSC e-Governance Services India Limited is a Special Purpose Vehicle (CSC SPV) and is connecting local population with the Government departments, banks, and insurance companies and with various service providers in private sector using IT-Enabled network of citizen service points.
CSC Center Contact
If you want to open CSC center and you do not know how to open CSC center, then you can take the information on the number given below, here you will be given complete information and along with you the status of your ID will also be given. |
Dear VLE,
We are shifting to a new helpline. The old number ‘180030003468’ will be operational only till October 31, 2019.
To reach us, kindly call on our new Toll Free Number 1800 121 3468.
Our helpline number has changed. The old number ‘180030003468’ will be active only till October 31, 2019.
To get in touch with us, please contact our new toll free number 1800 121 3468.
ध्यान दें :- प्यारे साथियों अगर आप केंद्र सरकार और राज्य सरकार की योजनाओं के बारे में जानना चाहते हैं तो आप हमारी वेबसाइट को बुकमार्क में सेव करके रखें और नीचे दी गई लिंक पर क्लिक करके हमारे टेलीग्राम और हमारे फेसबुक पेज से जुड़े अपने इस वेबसाइट http://cscdigitalsevakendra.in के माध्यम से देते हैं तो आप हमारे वेबसाइट को फॉलो करना ना भूलें ।
अगर आपको यह आर्टिकल पसंद आया है तो इसे अपने दोस्तों के साथ Like और share जरूर करें ।
इस आर्टिकल को अंत तक पढ़ने के लिए धन्यवाद…
Posted by rahul jah
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